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Wayne Bradley

Knight Trainer (5-8)

Age: 30

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Human

Close Friend: Phil/Allen

Partner: Chad

Appearance Description

He has lightly tanned skin from being in the sun for most of his day. He has black hair that he dyed a light bluey green, parted at the side neatly, he didn't dye it with magic (unlike most people in brambleberry, Patrick has offered a few times but he refuses) so it fades fairly quickly, he doesn't keep up with it well enough though and his natural hair comes through. He wears a pale green button up, a dark green button up vest with a heart poorly stitched on by Phil, and a green spotty escott. His trousers are a light denim and he wears his work boots more often then not.


"My parents... They weren't the greatest. But Phil has helped me get through most of what I learned from them." He paused "Well- That and therapy".

He grew up in a very strict household, he never really understood all of their "house rules", but he followed it anyway, because he didn't know any other reason.

He went to university at 18 to learn combat teaching (something he always enjoyed), where he met Phil, who helped him learn who he really was.

After graduation, he moved to Brambleberry with Phil, where he started working at the knights guild, he has one of the least respected jobs there, training small children, but he loves it.

Quick Facts!

  • Despite being very skilled in armed combat, he's actually a very gentle soul.
  • He loves learning, and teaching. If he's not seen picking up classes somewhere he's usually reading under a tree or at the library. He loves seeing his students grasping the skills he teaches after months of work.